Monday, September 15, 2008

Misquoted verses from two religions???

Misquoted verses from two religions???

Quran Does say "Where ever you find a KAAFIR kill them"

The speaker(from the link above) says that this quote from the quranhas been missquoted and it is "a quotation out of context".In the following link,the speaker claims that the Caste System is emphasised and mentioned in Vedas(part of hinduism)thus condemning Hinduism while failing to quote those exact lines.It is an apparent confusion between varna and caste (reflective of one's ignorance over the difference between social and religious practices)while also failing to realise that just as in the case of the "kill the kafir" line from the quran, this too has been missquoted and it is just like the above a quotation, greatly out of context.

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